Foto de Perfil de Eduardo

Privacy Policies

Listín App

Version: 3 August 2022

Data Collected

Listín respects your privacy and only collects the minimum amount of information necessary to operate the application. Listín collects, by itself or through third parties, data usage, unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example), number of active users, device models, operating system versions, geographic locations among others, but are otherwise anonymous. The data you input in the application are stored on your phone. We don’t keep any of your records.
The Application does not provide an option to create an account therefore, we do not store nor have access to your entries and data. Your data are stored only locally on your device and all calculations are done on your device as well. Once you delete the application you will lost all your data stored locally.


With Listín for now is not the case but some of our apps contain third-party advertising. We may occasionally promote other products of our own within our apps. We may occasionally cross-promote the products of other affiliated developers that offer similar products and share similar values as expressed on their own published privacy policies.
Some of our apps may contain links to third party websites, products, or services. For example, the Apps may feature offers from third party advertisers or the ability to engage in transactions with such entities. Please note that while using such third party offerings, you are using sites, products, and services developed and administered by people or companies not affiliated with or controlled by us. We are not responsible for the actions of those people or companies, the content of their sites, products or services, the use of information you provide to them, or any products or services they may offer. Our link to such third parties does not constitute our sponsorship of, or affiliation with, those people or companies. Information collected by third parties, which may include such things as location information or contact details, is governed by their privacy practices. These other websites or services may place their own cookies or other files on your computing device, collect information or solicit personal information from you. We encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of third parties with which you interact. We are not responsible or liable for your interaction with such third parties, the information requests initiated by such third parties, or the subsequent use, treatment or dissemination of information you voluntarily choose to provide to them.

We use the following third-party services for our Listín app:
Google Analytics for Firebase (Google Inc.)
* This service helps us to collect and analyze usage data in order to understand usage patterns and to improve our iOS app.
* No personal data are collected.
* Data collected: various usage data, Firebase installation IDs, Analytics App Instance IDs, anonymized IP addresses, session durations, device models, operating systems, geography, in-app purchases, first launches, app opens, app updates.
* Data retention: 2 months.

Child security

Under no circumstance will Listín collect sensitive information from children. Listín is not currently collecting any sensitive information from minors and all its mobile apps include strict parental controls in order to protect children from accidental purchases or unwanted publicity.
The only personal data we collect is: unique device identifiers for advertising (Google advertiser ID or IDFA, for example) and usage data.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Listín reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its Users on this page and possibly within Listín App. It is strongly recommended that you check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the top. If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact me using the contact information below.

Ing. Eduardo Ceron
From: Mexico

I hope you will enjoy using Listín.